Beyond Skyrim: Bruma credits

Rich "1shoedpunk" Marin
Writing & quest design
- Linton "Lasur Arkinshade" Ineson (Director)
- Altairattorney
- Argor Nash
- The Ascended Sleeper
- Enstone
- Presentdent
- Vengeful Peanut
- Yonderly
Additional work by:
- Rich "1shoedpunk" Marin
- William "Deeza" Hillson
- Defanderzec
- Mizreg
- Orion the Above Average
- Saenorel
Original soundtrack
Music by: Daniel "Xae" Ran.
Additional music & bard vocals by: João "Guin" Guerra.
Includes themes by Jeremy Soule.
Special thanks to Sandro Macelloni, The Voices of Heaven Gospel Choir and The Rising Sound.
3D art
Concept art
- Steelfeathers (Director 2017+)
- Markus Liberty (Director 2013-2017)
- Hart
- haydebpricw
- jonathansty
- Kelretu
- Matth85
- Morcroft
- Psychedelic
- Simsim
- Suran
- Dargaron
- Andreas Stavaas
- Hallgarth
- Varlasairan
- Viltuska
- Ultimatec
- 1ndajone5
- Argor Nash 35
- Empremi
- Darkstorne
Additional work by:
- AlpineYJ
- Candall
- Ekul
- Joseph Crowell
- Servus Dei
- Transbot
- Escha
- Kettlewitch
- Orion the Above Average
- Smalish
- Suran
- Goretexx
- Marta Red Jurkowska
- 4theonewithoutaname
Exterior design
- John Söderberg (Director)
- Morcroft
- NafNaf95
- Perry
Additional work by:
- Rich "1shoedpunk" Marin
- Chiaro22
Dungeon design
- Bellatrix (Director)
- Ub3rman123
- NanoTyrano
- simsim899
- Chiaro22
- RHodeidra
- John Söderberg
- Were
Additional work by:
- Rich "1shoedpunk" Marin
- Blackbearjosh
- Jmaa
- Luffi45
Interior design
- Bellatrix (Director)
- Jehoram
- Mellowtraumatic
- NafNaf95
- Paulibobo
- simsim899
- Trivia
- Were
- warshunn333
- John Söderberg
Additional work by:
- Alois
- DarkOdin
- Dperrea
- Humiliation
- Ladyonthemoon
- Leianne1
- Mizreg
Scripting & implementation
- Mattiewagg (Director)
- Blitz54
- Daiyus
- exit
- flatline
- GrimyBunyip
- Hyperblast
- Kestatwala
- Linton "Lasur Arkinshade" Ineson
- oliver1706
- Paulibobo
- Shobby
- simsim899
- Thingy Person
- Tara
- Trivia
- Were
Sound design
- lazygecko/lazyskeever
- John Söderberg
Voice cast
Director: Linton "Lasur Arkinshade" Ineson
ANNA CASTIGLIONI Alina, Lasinia Iron-Heart, Pelena Malumea, Ananril, Additional Voices
ADOXOGRAPHIST Banus Jucani, Ertius Malumea, Leo, Additional Voices
ALEX CAIN Cadius Venucius, Additional Voices
CAITLIN BUCKLEY Ereia Snow-Fist, Galarynn, Svenja Strong-Arm, Kalimbria, Additional Voices
CHRISTINE SLAGMAN Aera the Devout, Rilja Stone-Hearth, Sinja Strong-Mind, Ionalla Dark-Heart, Additional Voices
CHRISTOPHER MASSEY Bathes-in-Murky-Waters
DANIEL HODGE Astor Astentius, Blind Balius, Botram the Hammer, Erlus Risula, Gergus Malumea, Ravil Fandrani, Tedral Mendrin, Serulius the Stagnant, Additional Voices
GREY MIND Arilus Quenti, Corvon, Legate Centos Durius, Legate Precilius Varro, Garceus Avoci, Stantus Faleria, Additional Voices
GLEN MICHAEL COOPER Simund Gautierre, Albecius Jucani
GIGARAT Cindaia Malumea, Felki Silver-Plow, Ruccia Jucani, Additional Voices
ROBYN RYBNIK Afanna Edici, Hjotra Faleria, Ila the Upright, Argonian Woman, Additional Voices
RIVER KANOFF Adius Vilius, Afer Famalius, Bjarni Shatter-Stone, Benuni Alfena, Doomsayer, Fadel, Hulgard, Harald Burdsson, Quintus Ambivio, Raaslan, Ungveir, Surilaron, Additional Voices
JAY33721 Edwarin, Thalmor Adjutant, Gryfard Peton, Additional Voices
JESSICA OSBORNE Atul, Urma gra-Shazur
JONAH SCOTT Ambric, Arnoth the Bright-Eyed, Bolar Gratius, Marc Dufonte, Razzada the Resplendent, Roland Wickhart, Servus Vodaci, Additional Voices
JOAO GUERRA Renod Even-Toned
JT DECKER Count Desilus Carvain
MATTHEW DIXON Agent Nurenor, Crouches-in-Crevices, Cerendil, Mysterious Bosmer, Additional Voices
MAURI MAJANOJA Rignar, Olaf Cold-Heart, Farsvar, Additional Voices
OLIVIA STEELE Alavva Venucius, Mucky Ovacca, Bodyguard, Additional Voices
PETER REYNOLDS Neldam Beloth, Stenar Ceno, Imperial Jailer, Mirich Ran, Additional Voices
SHANNON HOBBY Eddvia Jucani, Herbalist, Additional Voices
TRENDANE SPARKS Crecius Rodlin, Dar’taqto, Elintius Rentilia, Neremus Agrecian, Ja’malgo, Dumrag gro-Morgg, Grushnag gro-Arkul, Penitus Oculatus Agent #2, Undead Servitor, Additional Voices
TRENT MARTIN Atienne Guilette, Encarnus, Penitus Oculatus Agent, Additional Voices
VULON/JEREMY KING Bentior, Gort, Retching Cornelius, Additional Voices
WILL HANDFORD Cedus Perusius, Eranir, Viscount Marcius Carvain, Additional Voices
ZRES Harthir, Reln-Tei, Additional Voices
3rd-party resources
- Tamira / Stroti
- Scot (Mushrooms for toadstool hollow)
- Artisanix (picture frames)
- Imperial Wayshrine
- Phitt’s Sheogorad
- GKB’s Trees
- Maty’s Mithril Armor
- Hoddminir Resources
- Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack
- Peter Boesman (source audio)
- Davyd Betchkal (source audio)
- Richard E. Webster (source audio)